Inspiring young Queenslanders to work and find success in the tourism industry

There are so many ways you can launch your career in the tourism industry.

The Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) profiles various roles available in the tourism and hospitality industry. Their Queensland Tourism Careers website also showcases the range of occupations available in the industry.

Find out more about the skills required to Work in Paradise and listen to some of our Young Tourism Leaders experiences working in the tourism industry.

Training available during high school

You can start your career journey at school with a range of training options to choose from or by taking on a part-time or casual job.

Entry level skills

Some basic skill sets and courses can give you a boost when you're looking to secure your first job in tourism or hospitality, such as:

Alternatively, talk to your school guidance officer, career counsellor, VET coordinator or head of senior schooling to find out what options are available.

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships enable you to work for an employer and train towards a recognised qualification while completing your secondary schooling and studying for your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or equivalent.

Part-time/casual employment

During high school you could consider getting a part-time or casual job in tourism. Check out the range of opportunities available at Work in Paradise.

Training and studies available after high school

If you’d like to upskill in tourism or hospitality after high school, there are lots of organisations and programs that can give you the skills you need to land your first role, advance your career or transition to university:

Free or subsidised training

Find out if you’re eligible for free or subsidised training in Queensland.

Certificate 3 Guarantee provides a subsidy to eligible Queenslanders to obtain their first post-school certificate III level qualification and increase their skills.

Higher Level Skills provides access to subsidised training in selected certificate IV level or above qualifications.

Vocational education and training

The Queensland Skills Gateway will help you find a VET course in Queensland. Complete the questionnaire to find out if you are eligible for government subsidised training.

Through the Free TAFE for under 25s program, the Queensland Government covers the full cost of high priority training areas (including hospitality) for eligible Queenslanders.

Apprenticeships and traineeships

The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network is the first point of contact for all apprenticeship queries.

Apprenticeships and traineeships combine training with working in a salary paying job.

Through the Free apprenticeships for under 25s program, the Queensland Government will cover the cost of your training when you choose a high priority apprenticeship or traineeship.